Bloggers & Vloggers

In our webshop you can find new products every week and these products all deserve the same amount of attention. Our range is very wide and therefore there is always a product that appeals to you. That's why bloggers & vloggers get the chance to promote our products with us. This can be done for a fee or free product, depending on the number of sales that our webshop generates. If you want to know more about this, please don't hesitate contact us.
Would you like to test our products with a nice blog or vlog? Then quickly read our conditions!
We are approached weekly by many bloggers and vloggers and that is why we have drawn up a number of criteria that you must meet as a blogger or vlogger to be eligible.
Your blog or vlog must have a demonstrable number of visitors/followers:
- Bloggers – 500 unique visitors per day
- Vloggers – 2.000 followers
Property content
All content commissioned by is jointly owned and may be shared by both parties with third parties.
What can you expect from Webshop outlet?
- After the first test phase, once in a while received a free product or a compensation per product sold
- A nice informal collaboration with
- Free advertising for your blog or vlog through our social media
Do you feel addressed and would you like to collaborate? Send an e-mail to and convince us!