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80% of adults have back pain at some point

Many adults sooner or later suffer from back pain and for many people this does not stop at one time. These complaints are very annoying and are often caused by an incorrect load on the back. For example, many people lift incorrectly or sit in front of the PC a lot for work. Incorrect sitting posture and chairs are also a major cause of back pain. All very annoying!

Wrong load on the back

An excessive load on the back as a result of lifting too heavy or lifting incorrectly can turn out completely wrong. How many kg you can lift depends entirely on your gender, your age and physical condition. Therefore, never lift too heavy, there are plenty of tools that can move heavy objects. Even with little movement you can suffer from your back earlier.

Back pain due to bad posture

Many people walk crooked or sit in the wrong position. This is not only bad for the back, but also does not come across proactively to other people. A person who walks straight with the right posture appears much more confident.

Solution for back problems and bad posture

If you sit a lot for work, try to arrange a good chair and adjust it properly. This often makes a big difference. Think about your posture when you stand. There are also tools for this such as the back strap for posture support† This back strap for men and women automatically corrects your posture, so you don't have to think about it all the time. For only € 9,95 you already have a back strap at Webshop-outlet.nl. Do you really suffer from back pain? Then go to a physiotherapist, most health insurance policies reimburse these costs. Sometimes back problems don't have to come from bad posture or overload. The physiotherapist can help you with this.

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