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Blog Banners From now on you no longer need a watchdog

No need for a watchdog anymore.

Anti-burglary systems expensive? At Webshop outlet you have a simple effective anti burglary system for only €9,95! For this money you get an easy to install system that deters burglars when opening a window or door. Deterring is often enough for a burglar to look further.

How does this anti-burglary system from Webshop-outlet.nl work?

You stick or screw the two parts of this compact device to your window or door. Does the door or window open? Then you hear a beep of 90 decibels. Enough to deter the burglar and enough to wake you up or alert your neighbors. This device also has an off and on button for when you just want to open your door or window.

Easy to take with you

Are you going on holiday and do you want to take the wireless anti-burglary system with you? Of course you can. The device weighs next to nothing and is nicely compact. Give yourself a good night's sleep without worrying about a burglary. The watchdog is no longer needed.

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