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Prevent Insects In Your Home

There will be few people who like to have insects in the house. Mosquitoes are especially annoying. If you want to sleep, there is another annoying mosquito buzzing above your head. Not even talking about the itching you can get after an insect bite. One is more susceptible to mosquito bites than the other. How attractive you are to a mosquito has to do with your body odor and there is little you can do about it. What you can do is make sure that you have as few of these annoying insects in your home as possible.

Some tips to get rid of those annoying insects

  1. Use vinegar and lemon as a cleaning agent.
  2. Drip enough drops of peppermint oil on a cloth and place it in places where you have often encountered an insect. Much more environmentally friendly than all that chemical junk.
  3. Close cracks well with sealant or PU.
  4. Places screens and a beaded curtain at the (back) door.
  5. Buy a spray can against insects from garden centers and spray the frames with it.
  6. When windows and front or back doors do not close properly, use draft excluders. Because through those cracks not only drafts come in, but also those little pussies.
  7. When sitting outside, don't wear light colors or sweet perfume/deodorant.

Screens for the doors

If the weather is nice, all doors will open again. This is a free passage for mosquitoes and other insects. A good solution for this is a screen! We now have a mosquito net with magnetic closure in our range. You get no less than 2 for only € 14,95 including FREE shipping. The advantage of the magnetic closure is that the screen closes itself when you have walked through it. Prevent unwanted guests with the screens from Webshop-outlet.nl!

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