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How fit are you?

Become more aware of your health and your movements!

It is important to exercise enough and have a healthy lifestyle.
Nowadays people move too little and this ensures that your condition becomes less. It is important to take 10.000 steps a day. Most people take an average of only 4.000 steps a day and therefore move too little. Enough exercise is important, not only because your condition improves, but also your heart. This gives you the chance of a longer life and less illness.

How many steps do you take per day?

– 0 – 4999 steps: You have a sedentary lifestyle. You should exercise more otherwise you have a higher risk of cardiovascular disease.
– 5000 – 7499 steps: You have a light active lifestyle, it is better that you move more
– 7500-9900 steps: You are moderately active
– 10.000 steps: You have an active healthy lifestyle
– 12.500 steps: You are very fit, keep it up!

Here are a few tips for taking more steps in a day.

– Do you often take the elevator? Leave the elevator on the left and take the stairs.
– Go for a walk in the evening or on a free moment.
– Leave the bike and walk to the store.
– Are you on the couch on the phone? Stand up and walk around.
– Break at work? Go for a 15 minute walk. Good for body and mind!
– Are you going by bus? Get off one stop earlier and walk home.

But how can you keep track of how much you move in a day?

The Smartwatch Activity Tracker keeps track of all your sports performance for you! Whether you are swimming, cycling, running or working out; you will soon know exactly how many calories you burn and how far you walk. All you have to do is put this sporty watch on your wrist and download the free app on your smartphone. All data is sent wirelessly and quickly from the watch to your smartphone, which you can then share on Facebook or Twitter, for example. Another advantage is that this watch can withstand water. So you can also go swimming and keep track of how much you move.

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