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Blog Banners Why Your Cat Needs a Scratching Post (1)

Why does your cat need a scratching post?

If you have a cat or are considering getting one, a scratching post is an essential part of your cat supplies. A scratching post is not only a fun toy for your cat, but also an essential piece of furniture that contributes to its health, well-being and behavior. In this blog we explain why cats like to scratch, why people like to buy a scratching post and what is needed for a good scratching post.

Why do cats want a scratching post?

Scratching is a natural and instinctive behavior of cats, which has several functions. Cats scratch for:

  • Take care of their nails. By scratching, cats remove the old nail covers that cover their claws, keeping their nails sharp and healthy.
  • To mark their territory. Cats have scent glands in their paw pads, which secrete a pheromone when they scratch something. This pheromone lets other cats know that this is their area. They also leave visual marks where they scratch.
  • Express their emotions. Cats may also scratch when they feel stressed, anxious, bored or excited. Scratching helps them release their tensions and frustrations and feel better.
  • To stretch and stretch their muscles. Cats love to stretch after a nap or to keep their bodies in shape. By scratching they can stretch their back, neck, shoulders and legs and keep them flexible.

Why do people want to buy a scratching post?

Buying a scratching post is not only good for your cat, but also for yourself. A scratching post offers your cat:

  • Your own place. A scratching post gives your cat a place where he feels safe, comfortable and at home. A scratching post can also serve as a sleeping place, a lookout post or a play area for your cat.
  • An alternative for your furniture. If you don't have a scratching post, your cat will probably scratch your couch, chairs, curtains or carpet. This can lead to damaged furniture and dissatisfied owners. By giving your cat its own scratching place, you can prevent this and save your furniture.
  • A source of entertainment and stimulation. A scratching post can also function as a toy for your cat, where he can release his energy and curiosity. Some scratching posts have extra elements such as balls, mice, strings or bells that challenge and stimulate your cat.

What is needed for a good scratching post?

If you decide to buy or make a scratching post yourself, there are a number of things you should pay attention to to ensure that your cat gets the most out of it. A good scratching post should:

  • Be firm and stable. A scratching post should be well anchored to the floor or wall so that it does not fall over or wobble when your cat scratches or jumps on it. This gives your cat more confidence and security.
  • Be high enough. A scratching post should be at least as high as your cat's stretched length, so that it can fully stretch when it scratches. Many cats also like to sit high and keep an eye on their surroundings.
  • Be covered with suitable material. A scratching post should be covered with a material that your cat enjoys scratching and that is durable and wear-resistant. Commonly used materials are sisal, a robust fiber that is excellent as scratching material, or plush, a soft fabric that feels comfortable.
  • Be attractive to your cat. A scratching post should attract your cat's attention and motivate him to use it. You can do this by placing the scratching post in a strategic place, for example near a window or a door, or by adding something fun to it, such as a toy, catnip or a reward.

A scratching post is an essential part of your cat supplies that is good for both your cat and yourself. A scratching post helps your cat to care for its nails, mark its territory, express its emotions and stretch its muscles. A scratching post also protects your furniture from damage and offers your cat its own place where it feels safe, comfortable and at home. A good scratching post should be sturdy, high, covered with suitable material and attractive to your cat. You can buy a scratching post or make it yourself, depending on your budget and preference. Whatever you choose, don't forget to give your cat lots of love and attention, because that is ultimately the most important thing for his happiness and health.

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