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Air fryer vs. Deep fryer: Which one is right for you?

The debate between using a The Airfryer and a deep fryer is an ongoing discussion among kitchen enthusiasts. Both appliances are popular for their ability to prepare delicious fried foods, but there are significant differences between the two. Let's take a closer look at the features of both and why the air fryer is becoming increasingly preferred.

1. Working principle:

  • Frying pan: A deep fryer uses oil to fry food. The food is immersed in hot oil, which gives it a crispy texture.
  • Air fryer: Unlike a deep fryer, an air fryer uses hot air to fry food. The food is surrounded by hot air, giving it a crispy exterior without submerging in oil.

2. Health:

  • Frying pan: Using oil in a deep fryer can lead to foods that are high in fat and calorie content. Excessive consumption of fried foods can contribute to weight gain and long-term health problems.
  • Air fryer: Because the air fryer does not immerse oil, it requires less oil or no oil at all for cooking food. This reduces calories and fat intake, resulting in healthier meals.

3. Taste:

  • Frying pan: Using oil in frying can give a richer flavor to the food, which is preferred by some.
  • Air fryer: Although the taste of food cooked in an air fryer may be slightly different than that of food from a deep fryer, it still offers a crispy texture and satisfying taste.

4. Safety:

  • Frying pan: Working with hot oil can be dangerous and can lead to burns or other injuries if not handled correctly.
  • Air fryer: Due to the use of hot air instead of oil, the risk of burns or other injuries is smaller when using an air fryer.

Why should you choose an air fryer?

  • Healthier: If you're looking for a healthier way to prepare fried foods, the air fryer is the best choice. It reduces fat and calorie intake without sacrificing the taste and texture of the food.
  • Versatility: Air fryers can also be used for grilling, baking and roasting foods, making them more versatile than deep fryers.
  • Easy to clean: Air fryers are generally easier to clean than deep fryers due to the lack of oil to dispose of and the minimization of splashes and splatters.

Cost comparison:

Using a deep fryer requires the regular purchase of oil, while an air fryer only uses electricity. Let's look at an approximate cost comparison:

  • Frying pan: On average, a deep fryer uses approximately 2 liters of oil per frying, depending on the type of food and the size of the pan. Say you use it about twice a week, that equates to about 208 liters of oil per year, which can vary depending on the price of oil. Let's say the oil price is €0,50 per liter, then the annual cost would be approximately €104.
  • Air fryer: An air fryer uses electricity, but the costs are significantly lower than the cost of oil for a deep fryer. The exact cost varies depending on energy prices and the specific model of air fryer, but it is generally much less than the cost of oil.


Although both appliances are suitable for preparing fried foods, the The Airfryer numerous advantages over the deep fryer, including healthier meals, versatility and ease of use. Furthermore, using an air fryer can also be cost effective in the long run due to lower maintenance costs and reduced use of oil.

So, if you're looking for a healthier, safer, and more versatile option for preparing fried foods, definitely consider purchasing an air fryer for your kitchen.

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